Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Cookies are temporary files websites use to help them improve your browsing experience.

You can find out more about cookies and how they work at

Essential use

Some of our services need cookies to work. These temporary files remember certain information as you move between pages on our site. We only store these cookies as long as you visit our site. They’re not used to track any other information about you.

When you sign in to use these services, you provide consent.

Cookies are temporary files websites use to help them improve your browsing experience.

Some of our services need cookies to work. These temporary files remember certain information as you move between pages on our site.

Improving our service

Google Analytics sets cookies to help us estimate accurately the number of visitors to the website, and how much use it gets. This information helps us improve the quality of the website.

Name Description Expires
_utma  Used by Google Analytics to identify users anonymously, to record new visitors and repeat views. 2 years
_utmb  Used by Google Analytics to establish a session. 30 minutes
_utmc  Used by Google Analytics to establish a session. When you close your browser
_utmz  Used by Google Analytics to record information about how visitors arrive at the page, helping us to see how you found the site, and how effective the navigation is. 6 months


You can find out more about cookies and Google Analytics, on the  Google website.

Targeted advertising

We occasionally pay for adverts to increase awareness of our services. Some of these are ‘targeted’ at people who have been on our site before or have viewed other relevant sites. To do this we provide information to the advertising company by placing a small pixel on certain pages. This information can’t be used to identify you.

You can find out more about cookies and how they work here.

How to manage cookies

Please note that some web browsers may automatically load cookies as a default setting. If you wish to all block cookies when using a website or allow them to be loaded just for specific sites that you visit, please check the “Settings” in your browser.

To find out how to manage cookies on popular browsers, please see below:

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, visit